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Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Am I a feminist???

Believing in the rights of women has become a statement nowadays and is the word feminist wrong ? Well i am not gonna state that i am one but i do strongly believe in the equality if men and women and i honestly don't understand how we as humans have advanced in so many area's yet we still can't make gender's equal to each other and quite frankly what makes us different , Yes i know biology but apart from that our brains are the same if not superior to men. Yet there is still sexist people even today men get paid for and are shown as a strong figure and women are week even primary school teacher's do it . They would say" i need a few strong boys to carry some boxes! "and i would out my hand up and everyone would say " your not a boy" and i thought to myself why does it matter i am just as good as any boy! so if you count that as being a feminist then go ahead you say what you want i would call it standing up for my gender in this day and age we as girls are not equal to men so let's change it women !!!!!
Not forgetting the boys though because they are also discriminated in school by not being seen as sensible because i was always called sensible not strong but i am not just talking to teachers here i am talking to everyone on this earth make us equal !! share this using the #makeusequal
 love you lots
India xx

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