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Sunday, 21 February 2016

Photographs .

Currently i have been enjoying photography and i thought you guys might want to see some of my pictures taken  using my canon 1200d i got for christmas !xx

This is my little cousin casey posing in front of the camera because he was fascinated by the moving lens and the sounds it made .  Its originally in black and white but blogger keeps stripping the filter for some reason ??!x

 Here is just a sample of the photo's but they looked 10 times better when i edited them and i can't seem to keep the filters applied so i won't  post all of them now sorry and i know I'm not a expert but i think they look cool ! 

If you do as well let me know in the comments and i will hopefully write again soon , 
bye for now , 

India x

I just found an extra photo and i'm going to put it on the end here!